Welcome to my github page
I'm a Graphic Designer and a Web Developer, and I started learning both around the year 2000.
PHP and Vanilla JavaScript are my faves and regarding a CMS I prefer Wordpress witch I discovered in the summer of 2009. Latelly I'm learning with Node.js , MongoDB, GraphQL.
... as main text editor I use Visual Studio.
Fell free to us main code from GitHub in your projects.
I will try to add some useful articles related to coding.
Try my code and let a comment/share/credit if you like and use them.
See down below my projects hosted on GitHub
FCC JS Algorithms
Repository: https://github.com/smcstylus/fcc-js-algorithms
These are my algorithms for the "JavaScript Algorithms and Data Structures Certification" final test from https://www.freecodecamp.org/:
- Palindrome Checker
- Roman Numeral Converter
- Caesars Cipher modified for 13 steps
- US Telephone Number Validator
- Cash Register
The link to the course: https://www.freecodecamp.org/learn/javascript-algorithms-and-data-structures/
Note: If you do the course, please use these algorithms just for comparation. In order to understand and learn JavaScript (or any other programming language) is better to do the algorithms in your own way.
- Date: 2021
SMCstylus Circle Timers
Repository: https://github.com/smcstylus/smcstylusCircleTimers
The most advanced jQuery circle countdown:
- Stylize the past and remaing time lines with solid or gradient , transparent or full colors, add shadows, change the lines width and cap style.
- Customize the time numbers and labels typography.
- Change the color of the inner circle with solid , gradient or transparent colors and add shadows.
- 3 animation styles for the timer of "seconds".
You can create unlimited styles for the countdown. Please read the documentation to se all the details.
- Curent relase: 1.0.0 - August 2021
- First relase: 1.0.0 - August 2021
- Requirement: jQuery 1.96 or greater
- Based on TimeCircles by Wim Barelds
SMCstylus Addons for Elementor
Repository: https://github.com/smcstylus/smcstylus-Addons-for-Elementor
Like the name is saying, this is an addons pack for the Elementor page builder.
- extensions
- JS
- addons
- Countdown - 3 types of countdowns: regular, flipper and a circle countdown based on SMCstylus Circle Timers jQuery plugin
- Curent relase: 1.1.0 - August 2021
- First relase: 1.0.0 - August 2021
- Requirement: Wordpress x or greater
- Package type: Plugin
SMCstylus EVCimg Download( not published yet)
Repository: https://github.com/smcstylus/smcstylusEVCimgDownload
smcstylus EVCimg Download is an addon for the ExtensiveVisualComposer plugin witch add download option for the image gallery.
- Curent relase: 1.2.0 - July 2021
- First relase: 1.0.0 - Mars 2020
- Requirement: Wordpress, Visual Composer plugin, Extensive Visual Composer plugin
- Package type: Plugin
SMC wpa Download Helper
Repository: https://github.com/smcstylus/smc-wp-downoald
SMC WordPress Atachement Download Helper, is not a plugin, must be uploaded on root and configured the settings section.
With the help of this functions , you can point for download a file by ID.
- Curent relase: 1.0.0 - August 2021
- First relase: 1.0.0 - August 2021
- Requirement: Wordpress
- Package type: File